Today, April 15th, is the dreaded day of the year on which you must have sent in your income tax returns or have filed for an extension. However, on this day in 2009 there will also be a large number of “Tea Parties” across the nation that have been organized to protest the rampant spending and taxing by the Federal Government.
The idea of a Tea Party and what sort of kickstarted this all is the rant by Rick Santelli on the Chicago trading floor in February live on CNBC. He was talking of the Feds using the bailouts to rewards bad decisions and greed and he mentioned teh original Boston Tea Party that was a protest of the British taxing shipping and Tea in the colonies, partly to help the foundering East India Company. He said we need to have another Tea Party, more or less figuratively, but the idea took off and there were numerous “Tea Parties” around the shortly thereafter where people gathered and often dumped tea into rivers and had peaceful protests.
A large effort has been made to combine efforts and “Tea Parties” all aroudn the nation on April 15th, Tax day. This is largely being headed up by the AFA and their Taxed Enough Aready(TEA) Party initiative. They are currently scheduled to happen in over 2,000 cities today around noon. The actual parties though are all grassroots organizers.
ACORN, the infamous community group that is under scrutiny for massive voter fraud in the last elections, is also helping organize rallies on the same day in support of President Obama’s budget; they deny that they are going to try to interrupt the Tea Parties. Most Tea Party organizers aren’t worried though. Story
Anyways, I would encourage you to check it out. If you are interested you can find one in your area by going to http://www.teapartyday.com/. If you believe in it, even if you think it won’t be hardly noticed or make any difference, still attend! If you are only talking about it you will make even less difference! Remember though, this is a peaceful protest, as citizens have the right to have their voice heard, but they don’t need to be violent and disruptive.
I must say it would be pretty neat if this ended up being really big! :-D