Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The End Is In Sight

The end is in sight, it seems to be so for many things.

The end of the semester is coming near, it is a welcome sight. School is enjoyable and interesting, but sometimes you just start to get worn a little thin and ready to finish up, and I am sure it will get even more so in the next several years. But, now is just the time to persevere to the end with God's help and continue to do everything as best as we can and let God do the rest, even when sometimes we don't get the results we would like.

But, now I must go to bed, so maybe I will update this later, maybe even more over the summer when I have nothing to do and nothing to write about. :-)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Hopps I am a former 41er. I left for the Marines in 05 and will be returning in 2 years. I was wondering if you knew the 41er web page I need to get some stuff from pack then. If ya got it great.
You may know a few guy i knew. My old roommate was Snare.

-Bryan Robinson

You can hit me on my e-mail.
Or My AIM - Chips41er